

Mixed bean quesadilla recipe

Beans are a great way to get fibre and vitamins into my daughters’ diet, but she is not a big fan! Think it may be the texture. I created this quesadilla recipe with cheese and tortilla’s, which are her favourite, and she loves them!

quesadilla recipe

Variations to this quesadilla recipe

There are many different fillings that can be added to a tortilla, creating new and exciting quesadilla recipes from store cupboard favourites or leftovers. Below are some suggestions to tweak the recipe.

Added veg – If your little one doesn’t mind the texture, you could add chopped peppers to the pan to increase the veg content of the dish.

Chickpeas – Swap beans for chick peas.

Masala – Instead of ajwain and black pepper, you could add half a teaspoon of masala.

Chicken – Instead of beans or in addition to, add cooked chicken to the tomato sauce. This is a great way to add protein and use any leftovers.

mixed bean quesadilla recipe

Mixed bean quesadilla

With the goodness of fresh tomato mixed with the fibre of mixed beans, this quessadilla recipe is both tasty and nutritional.


  • 1 large chopped tomato (or 6 chopped cherry tomatoes)
  • 1/4 onion
  • 1/2 tsp ajwain (carom seeds)
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1 squeeze tomato puree
  • 1/2 can mixed beans (can be mixed salad beans or even kidney beans – your choice)
  • grated cheese
  • torilla wraps


  • Add the chopped tomatoes, ajwain, onion, black pepper and a drop of water to a blender and blend to a liquid.
  • Put the liquid and tomato puree into a pan and heat, reducing any runny liquid.
  • Add the mixed beans and if needed, crush with a fork to reduce the lumpy texture.
  • In a frying pan, add a little butter and place a wrap. Add the mixture to half.
  • Top the half with as much cheese as desired and fold over.
  • Cook each side until golden and the cheese is melted.
  • Cutinto manageable strips and serve.
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